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Coming out of the depths of darkness into the new day.  A fresh daybreak dawning unmarked and undamaged.

Moving slowly into the realization that once again I am setting forth on a new adventure in life.

The mind has not had a chance to retrace the previous days.  Seeing only this new dawning eager to survive.

No one yet to deter me in my direction I head out revived.  Looking only for the natural inspiration to direct this day.

To look out into the early dawn and see the splendor of the day which is one of the true wonders of this world.

Trying to preserve this moment and hold it inside my being.  Knowing that this particle of time is meant to give me strength.

Hoping that through this day I can be just one with the universe.  My own cell of space not disturbing what I see before me.

Rather to drift with the gentle breezes that move the leaves.  Feel them pass over my skin and let them caresses me into life.

Let the sun warm my body activating it with the solar power that only these rays can provide.

Lifting my arms into space and be carried upwards.  Drawn into the birth of this day, my spirits lifted.

It it were not for moments like these where I can be one with nature, I would lose all desire to enter another day.

Childlike in my love of natural beauty. The magnificence of it thrills me, managing to survive while it is ignored.

The damage that has been done to nature and still it struggles to exist, gives me the motivation to step into the dawn.

Needing to be close to that which is natural, away from the artificial society that man has created for itself.

Collectively mankind has destroyed so much of  its' platform for existence that it has weakened not only nature but itself.

The rays of light announcing a new day, the sky that holds the aura of so many colors with clouds drifting across it.

Trees standing tall, knowing they must learn to bend with the winds.  Mountains that stand singularly portraying strength.

Waters that move and sing their journey to the open seas.  The enormity of the oceans that lap at our shores.

These are natures gifts to me and through their example I gain the power to survive another day.

                   Cheryl C. Helynck


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