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Walk into a room full of people and smile.  Not one of those polite noncommittal smiles.  A smile that borders laughter.  Watch the reactions as the room begins to warm towards you. 

Not even knowing why, people will feel friendly towards you.  Smiling is contagious, even better if you laugh.  Giggles and laughter will commence everywhere for no reason and why because if makes everyone feel good.

Dare to be a little foolish.  You pay money to see someone tell jokes and make you laugh.  If people do not have a sense of humor then show them why they should.  We all need a little laughter in our lives to survive.

Ever wonder how a jock got you to wear his name on the butt of your pants?  Now you not only confuse everyone as to your identity but would have a terrible time finding out who you are yourself if you had amnesia.

Frankly, I was really pleased and feeling grown up when mother stopped writing my name in my clothes.  If I was going to wear any name on my jeans you bet it would be mine.  I am not going to make someone else famous flashing my buns.

Stand in the warm summer rain and take the most natural shower in the world.  How many people come in out of the rain and take a shower.  Must be they think chlorine is better for their skin or is it because it would make people wonder about them... maybe they do already.

It does not matter what you do that is different but being unique is the best feeling in the world. I have never understood why people want to be just like someone else.  Do they not value who they are themselves and if not why should others.

Dare to be different, to be you.  Stop letting opportunities pass you by.  When you feel that urge that you just should do something and then stop to think better of it, ask yourself is there a  good reason for not doing it?   Or is it because of what others would think of you.

Every once in awhile just dare to follow your own beat of the drum, stand out and be different.   A face in the crowd is easily forgotten.  Think of those people that stand out in your mind, they were special for some reason, they dared to be themselves.

                       Cheryl C. Helynck


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