Ocean Ballet

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Far out in the oceans, away from all but the privileged few, dance these entertainers .  In a world of their own the dancers of the seas gather to perform the ballet of the dolphins.

Swiftly swimming through the water in graceful moves as elegant and sleek as any athlete you may ever see.  They speak with a language all of their own and choreograph the waltz of the waves with magnificent flowing movements.

Singing the tunes of the music that they perform as they speed across the watery stage.  Covering great spans of the theater.   Lifting upwards exquisite in their graceful jumps that break the surface of the waters, emerging skyward flying like winged birds before diving back into the ocean once more.

The satin smoothness of their bodies glance effortlessly past one another in intricate maneuvers.  So precisely timed are the dancers that they glide and sway in time to the haunting music of the sea.

Watch them perform the ballet of the ocean as they draw  their audience into the flowing movement of their pirouettes.  The swiveling pivots, then the rushing speed as they clear the platform of the ocean to break the waves with their bodies.  The sun glisten on their sleek skin momentarily until they enter the theater once more with casual ease.

Like children in a performance of a school play they show such enthusiasm for their exhibition.  Boundless energy and spirit as they commit themselves to the ballet.  Feeling the orchestra of the ocean play the melody that inspires the grace and ease of their dancing.


                                 Cheryl C. Helynck


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