Have You Given This Any Thought!!
- Before you stand looking down at me with that glare.
- Shaking your finger at me and telling me to get off!!
- Demanding me to leave "your" couch.
- Ask yourself this
- Would you ask this of a friend?
- Would you demand they lay on the floor?
- Would have them leave the room?
- When was the last time I used the remote?
- When did I demand that you change the channel?
- When have you thanked me for warming this spot?
- Who else keeps you company through the reruns?
- Who is there for you through the tear-jerkers?
- Who helps you clean up the dishes left by the couch?
- What is wrong with the arm chair or the rocker?
- What does ownership have to do with anything?
- What happened to possession being 9/10th of the law?
- Why do you think you are more tired than me?
- Why is my comfort of less value than yours?
- Why do you not ask my opinion in this matter?
- How come you make all the rules?
- How is it that I protect and defend you regardless?
- How does an income make up for lack of sensitivity?
- The pure injustice of it all
- Yes I will lay down on the floor.
- Dont I always give in to your demands?
- Yes you are the bread winner.
- Dont you think you are single focused on this issue?
- Yes I still love you when others wouldnt.
- Dont you wonder why I put up with you?
- Yes I am unselfish and forgiving.
- Dont you think you could learn from me?
- Yes I am leaving, give me a minute to stretch.
- Dont you think you should consider my arguments?
- Okay
- Bribery is good
- Ill leave for the left over T-bone!
- Overcrowding is bad
- No I dont want to smell your dirty socks!
- Compromise is even better
- Lets go outside and play it will be more fun!
- Cheryl C. Helynck
- Whiteshadow Kennels 1998
Table Of Contents