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For weeks now I have been having the feeling,
That something was growing in me.
I was so tired at first, and then so darn hungry,
Then I got as big as a horse.

Last night, I really did not feel good,
I was having such sharp pains.
I walked and paced and tried building a nest,
No matter how hard I tried I really could not rest.

Then my body seemed to have a mind of my own,
I was pushing and straining when my first baby was born.
Somehow, I knew just what to do, had to clean it,
And make sure it could breathe.

I thought, well now I am done as it started to nurse,
But would you believe it, the pain just started to get worse.
Before I knew it, I was looking after baby number two.
This was a big fellow, and he cried right from the first.

Over and over, it seemed to go on,
It was nearly dawn when my family numbered seven.
They are all quiet now, they just fed and I am looking at them,
Each one is different, each so precious and small.

My babies, so tiny and white,
They are all so healthy and strong.
So this is Motherhood,  the feelings are hard to explain,
I want to protect them, help them to grow and get wiser.

Yesterday, they were nothing at all,
Today they are my whole world!
Three little ladies and four handsome boys.
My babies that I have brought to life!!

Cheryl C. Helynck
Whiteshadow Kennels 1997


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